Apr 26, 2018
#10. Mario Vittone, former USCG Rescue Swimmer, records a special episode just for HITAS listeners on why 'experience' in the wrong argument when it comes to safety at sea.
Our 2020 Passage Calendar is live! Go to 59-north.com/2020 to sail with us in the Atlantic.
Apr 24, 2018
#9. Andy talks about Isbjorn's big refit and the 70-mile shakedown cruise he and Mia did up the west coast of Sweden. Special thanks to Helly Hansen for inviting us to their event; and to Isbjorn crewmember Karl for composing and performing the music motifs on this week's show.
Apr 19, 2018
#8. Andy answers emailed questions from August & Rick on crew management & selection and watch rotations offshore.
Apr 5, 2018
#7. Crew Leadership, Drogues & MOB. Listener Chris Hartnett calls in for a Q&A about his upcoming trans-Atlantic via Newfoundland and England.